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Best practices for invoice compliance.

Running a company has several mandatory duties. One of the most important parts of it is invoicing. Invoices perform a variety of essential functions, some of which may not be immediately apparent. Establishing proper documentation, including written payment terms, can provide legal protection by serving as evidence of the services you have agreed upon.

Invoices also serve as a symbol of our expertise, demonstrating that you are a company that your clients can rely on.

Here are some tips to guarantee you're providing a smooth invoicing journey.

Ready to create the perfect invoice for your company?

Because invoices are legal documents, it's critical to double-check that they satisfy all local compliance standards. Each country has its own set of tax compliance laws and regulations, which may change at any moment, making it challenging for international eCommerce businesses to stay on top of things.

Easy Invoice+ generates invoices that are entirely compliant with accounting laws in over 80+ countries across the globe.

Invoices generated with Easy Invoice+ are legislation-compliant, so you can focus on other aspects of your company while knowing that your papers are compliant with regulatory requirements.

Timing is everything

Leaving individuals to chase after bills can create in an unnecessary discomfort that might be avoided. Ensuring that invoices are an integral part of your purchase process is crucial, as timely or early payments foster strong relationships and build trust. Additionally, it can help you avoid late fees. Consider if these essential papers will be provided by email, inside the package, or both, and how and when they will be delivered. When an order is paid or fulfilled in your Shopify store, Easy Invoice+ generates invoices automatically, saving you time and reducing the chance of human mistakes, resulting in a far more efficient process.

An opportunity to delight

Of course, invoices are essential documents to keep track of, but with a bit of thought and effort, they can serve as a great branding touchpoint in addition to being required documentation. A visually appealing and unique invoice design that matches your store's theme can impress customers and build trust, helping you differentiate yourself from the competition. Easy Invoice+ has collaborated with lots of talented designers to develop stunning invoice templates that can be modified to fit your business's identity.

Keep things clear

There's nothing more frustrating than staring at a paper full of numbers and statistics and not being able to make sense of it. It's simpler to be paid and have a continuous connection with your clients if your invoices are straightforward. Consider having easy-to-find information on your invoices, such as reference numbers, item descriptions, and, of course, payment conditions.

Avoid too complex terminology or abbreviations that may lead to misunderstanding. Never assume that a client will understand what these words imply. Keep it concise so that the essential ideas are conveyed without the need for further explanation.

Show your appreciation

Being recognized is always appreciated, and invoices offer an excellent way to show your gratitude for your clients' business. Making clients feel valued is one of the most effective ways to build a strong relationship and earn their trust, which is essential for encouraging repeat business.

Ready to create the perfect invoice for your company?

Focus on your invoicing process if you want to run a successful online business. It's important to prioritize invoicing from the beginning because it's a recurring task for every store.

Easy Invoice+ provides an easy method to automate the invoicing process for your Shopify shop, as well as other tasks so that you can get on with your busy day. If you're having trouble our support team will assist you in meticulously setting up your invoicing process and related settings and adjusments for your shop.